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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Final Project Blog Post

1. The process creating questions for my research questions was really easy because I would find info about running shoes then i would turn them into questions for my survey. 
2. My survey was different from others because my survey was straight forward and others had options for what ever you typed it'll go to a whole different survey based on that answer. 
3. Yes, my demographic questions helped me understand my results because it helped me understand how many people in the survey what type of shoe people liked.
4. In some places in my survey i would have not explained the question well enough and i nearly had the same exact questions referring to the running shoes.  
5. I had 18 responses.  

6. We could have everyone go into a group like the apprentice and be assigned something and then we could work on it 
and itll be really fun.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Case Study

Item 1: Oriole Park opens at first retro style park designed for baseball in Baltimore, Maryland. The Camden Yards Raved with reviews  with all the grass turf, symmetrical playing field and seats toward the action. In 1992 the attendance of fans went up by a huge number of 3.5 million people for the season. Once the team started to lose more people didn't go to the games.

Item 2: This case study is from unit 1 chapter 4 (pgs, 75, 87)

  • Consumers: Consumers don't really buy the Tickets because the team started to do bad.
  • Product: The cards don't really 
  • Risks:When the player(s) start doing bad the money gain decreases.
  • Consumers Loyalty: When the consumer likes the player they will buy the cards, making a profit
  • Revenue: The amount of cards sold were dependent on the players athleticism.                            

Item 3: When the player does good in the games their products they sell are worth more. When they dont do good no one really pays any attention on them. In that case they wouldn't make any profit in the products they sell .we could learn how they people make most of their money when they are famous, by investing, etc..

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Company

For my company I was going to choose a the product of shoes, the brand of the shoes is called Chiefs. when I finish my product and bring them to stores that would be selling the Chief shoes, the price would be $119.99 each pair. The Chief shoes will have a tempurpedic inside and a very extraordinary design. these shoes will take you out of this world and it'll feel like your always walking on the bed you've always wanted. These shoes are really tough and can last for a really long time(up to 2 years). These shoes will change your life in so many different ways.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Boston and the Olympics

Boston had been down the offer for having the Olympics. Boston has the space for all the people that would like to watch the Olympics but then people turned it down and they just chose that they wouldn't want to have it in Boston. I think that Boston should've had the Olympics Because it would be nice and there would be a lot of space to go if we had it in Boston. Boston is a nice place to have the Olympics. the Olympics need space for people to watch and Boston has that. Also they should have had them in Boston because there are a lot of people in that area and the place where it would be held would make a lot of money. That is my reason why they should've had the Olympics in boston.